Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hey CHRISTMAS Cactus...

It's MARCH!!  You missed the whole "bloom at Christmas" deal.  Ah well, I still think you're purdy.

(Yes, I am talking to my plants now.  I'm getting desperate for companionship, ya think???)


Saturday, March 14, 2009

More Peeves O' Mine

Toothpaste.  Yes, toothpaste.  Why, oh why, would you be a cheap bastard toothpaste company and use a crummy old screwtop that we fumble with and drop, usually down the drain, every day?  Then you have to try and retrieve it with a pair of tweezers-- which is next to impossible as we all very well know.   

Why would you cheap out and use them when you COULD use, the wonderful flip-top???  What a remarkable invention, and yet there are still companies not using them.  
Well toothpaste makers, if you're still using the crappy screw top, I've already been "not buying" your toothpaste for a long time.  So there!!!  Stick that down your drain!!

HATE you.

LOVE you.


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