A lovely photo of my very own little gas pig..... but I do love Red Rose. :)
Welcome to the toilet for my brain. There WILL be courtesy flushes.
A lovely photo of my very own little gas pig..... but I do love Red Rose. :)
Posted by Donna at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: hypermiling, my bad mood
The sleepy bears have passed out. I had to put this here. It was necessary. :)
Posted by Donna at 8:28 PM 0 comments
And don't you forget it.
Posted by Donna at 6:48 PM 3 comments
Posted by Donna at 7:31 PM 1 comments
So, today was back to work. Not a bad day really, pretty tame compared to what it could have been. Tomorrow looks eeeeeeevil unfortunately. We'll see how that goes. As I was thinking the day before yesterday, I did lose a couple of patients over the past week. A couple, I am glad to see go, as they were owners who just couldn't let go and the time for these pets had definitely come... and gone... and come back... and gone. You get the picture. It's a relief some days.
Tomorrow will be my 6 months of no smoking. I'm surprised I've made it this far, but I'm pretty sure this is it. No matter how much I LOVED smoking (and I did), I HATED quitting. I don't want to have to go through it again. I also can't forget about the health benefits, etc. It's too easy to forget/push aside all of those things and light up.... you have to keep reminding yourself of WHY you quit. I still have a written list in my gymbag which I just saw the other day. It still contains all the reasons I quit, and they all mean just as much to me. So, I'm still not smoking.
I think I actually need to stop talking about it before I go and light up. hahaha Mmmmmmmmmmm..... inhale...... exhale......... I can smoke in the blog, right???? ;-)
Well, I don't really have much to say today... so I'm going to bed. Will do this later in the week again if I'm still coherent.
Posted by Donna at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Well, tomorrow is the last day of my first bit of vacation this summer. What have I done? Not a whole hell of a lot... Went to Bluesfest, I think, 7 out of the 10 days? Not too bad. Slept.... a lot. Stayed up late.... a lot. Got back into the gym like I should be.
I don't really think that being off without a lot to do has been a good thing for me. Too much time to think? Someone told me it was "good for the soul", but I'm thinking me and my soul are not on speaking terms right now, so that really didn't work for me.
I'm not sure what the deal is, but I feel a little something going on... change? Something wicked this way comes? Something wonderful this way comes? I'm pushing for something positive. I've decided to start getting rid of some thing that I've had for a while, or simply don't need anymore. For one, all of my stained glass stuff, which I haven't touched in, oh, SEVEN years. I know, I'm slightly sad about it, but truthfully, I just keep dragging this stuff around. I think 7 years is a pretty good indication it's not high on my list of priorities. It's time to go. There are also a couple of pieces of furniture I'll be offering up as well. I just have too much stuff. Time to purge.
Perhaps I'll finish off my week tomorrow by cleaning out some other stuff... more purging. I'm actually looking forward to getting back to work... for a while anyway. I miss my patients and only hope they're all doing well still. I hate going back to find that some of them have gone while I was off. That reallllllllllly sucks.
Anyway, that was today.
Posted by Donna at 9:01 PM 0 comments
I am putting these in
to prevent what they have inside,
to prevent what I have inside,
from coming out.
When they open
a million tiny pieces fall,
unpreventable and unstoppable,
they come out.
When I open
a million tiny electrical charges go off,
like a childs birthday sparkler,
until it's out.
Posted by Donna at 1:57 PM 1 comments
I was just reading something online, while looking for answers to a question I have been wondering about-- "Can reading depressive articles/stories/literature, actually make one depressed?" Or do you think that you already have to be in a certain state of mind to come out of it even more negative/depressed than when you started?
So far, I think the answer is yes, it is possible, and probably more so possible if you have depressive tendencies. I haven't found any actual studies, but rather some blogging about it.... http://http://blogs.guardian.co.uk/books/2008/01/does_melancholy_literature_dee.html Interesting.
The other thing that I read and stuck with me (again, from the blogger above), is: "About the only thing we know in this country about the French writer Henry de Montherlant is that he came up with the phrase "happiness writes white" - in other words, you quite simply don't feel like writing, or such writing makes no impression, if you're feeling fine." Again.... iiiiiiiiiiiiiinteresting. I think I can relate to that a lot of the time.
Anyway, there's MY depressive reading for you today. Hope you're still smiling.
Posted by Donna at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Ha ha ha ha ha.
So I start to write this, I come up with a few lame lines which took me a bit to think about, then I delete the whole shitty mess in one fell swoop. I love it! This bodes well.
Discovery #1- That's what the save button is for you idiot.
Now, that's better. So what do people do in these? I know crap about politics, so that's out. I am trying to "get into it" but man... sooooo much stuff. Does this make me a bad person? I'm trying.... a little.
I could talk about animals... till I'm blue in the face. I'm supposing that will actually come up a few times should I happen to keep this up. You will learn to love my pitbull... or I will "sick" him on you. lol This picture is clearly him in the "upside down, flip off the couch from a sleeping position" attack pose. God I love ya Squiggy!!
I may talk about Matt Good. I saw him in concert recently and I'm feeling semi-obsessed with him right about now. If you'd like to visit HIS blog... which is really interesting... it's http://http//www.matthewgood.org/. Check it out. Tell him I love him. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Oh, this is gonna be fun.
Looking forward to emptying my brain here on a regular basis!
Posted by Donna at 8:47 PM 1 comments