Holy crapola is right. Holy crapola I am in a bad mood, that is. Yes, there you have it. Suck it up Buttercup.
Anyways, I was driving home from work this evening, and I was listening to CBC (this happens occasionally- don't get too excited) and they were talking about "hypermiling". I found this very interesting for the following 3 reasons:
1. Money, money, money. Cha-ching. It can save us ALL money... and pretty decent amounts of it as well.
2. The trees, the bunnies, the butterflies, etc.... the environment. Less waste.
3. Political reasons, if you're so inclined. Here's your way of sticking it to the "man" selling you your fossil fuels. Stick it to the "man", or the country he's running.
So what great thing could "hypermiling" be, that's FREE, and has all of the above benefits? Check out: http://www.cleanmpg.com/cmps_index.php?page=hypermiling
Happy trails! (Look for me in the slow lane, with a giant buffer in front of me!!)
A lovely photo of my very own little gas pig..... but I do love Red Rose. :)
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