Sunday, October 12, 2008

I Hate The Good Old Proverbial Telephone

I hate the phone. I hate actually 'talking' on the phone. I never used to when I was younger, but the older I get, the more I hate it. I hate listening to voice mail as well.

I don't consider myself antisocial, I have no problems talking to people, interacting, social name it. But I fucking hate talking to people on the phone.

You can text me, email me, Facebook me, leave a comment on my blog, write me a letter and put it in the damn mailbox or come on over to my bloody house. I think it's the people who call just to 'talk'. To 'catch up'. To make me listen to the awkward and annoying dead spaces. The ones where you just want to blurt out that you really have nothing left to say, so let's end the torture right now. It's the people who can never hear me at the specified decibel level that's just right for them. Move the mouthpiece closer. Move it away. Move it back. All the while my phone is heating up at a rate of 2 degrees per minute and I'm sure it will be branding a mark in my head at any second. I'll move it...move it away from my head to press "end" and fucking get it over with. The only good thing about my phone actually ringing is 1. Caller ID (loooove it), and 2. Pressing the "ignore" button on my phone and sending your ass directly to voice mail... which I will then ignore until I feel incredibly guilty.

So anyway, if you're thinking about calling me for a good ole chat... please don't bother. Send me an email or drag your ass on down here. It's your best chance for getting a response.

Feel free to post any comments or email me. :)



mommacoon said...

Bwahahaha. Obviously, it's passed on genetically in families. Happy Turkey Day from a die hard 'meatitarian'. Enjoy your day! Gobble gobble.

Joe said...

That "ignore" button. I wish I had that on my phone :(. The stupid thing rings and rings till it completes the mandatory 5 before hitting the voicemail. said...

The ignore button was invented by an extremely smart person and I bow to them in true servant fashion.

mommacoon said...

I bow to the individual who had the foresight to put on all telly's an even smarter device. It's the volume 'ON-OFF' switch. Turned to OFF, you can't even hear that sucker ringing.

That's why some even smarter person, invented voice mail. Turn it off, let it go to voice mail. Voice mail is something you get to, when you're in the mood and not a minute sooner. And, nowhere is it written or made mandatory by any insane law, that just because someone leaves you a voice mail, you must answer it.

bellyfullofrage said...

I thought I was the only one who loathed phones! Ring! ring! Hey, I'm important! Drop what you're doing and talk to my lazy ass instead of that nice person sitting in front of you. Ring! ring! Maybe you didn't hear me the last 17 times I called so I'm calling again. Ring! ring! Hammer time...

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