Why yes, yes I do live in the house of cat porn.
Seriously, no wonder I'm lonely. I have this sort of shit to watch every day. They do it on my bed. They do it on the couch. They won't let me in. Even if I stick my head in the middle of them, I may get a lick or two but I'm not allowed entrance into the club. The Siamese Love Club. Sure, they'll let me take pictures, but that's about it. They sure as hell won't let the Maine Coon in either. I think her hair's too long and would just interfere with the excessive tonguing involved anyways. There would be a lot of hairball coughing , and these two are just too good for that sort of stuff. Short hairs only. POINTED short hairs, might I add... cough, cough.
When I die, I want to come back as one of my cats. One of THESE two, to be specific.
I guess the really sad part of all of it is that I DO try to stick my head in the middle of them... but am only able to usually just piss one of them off enough to leave, and break up the party. Oh, but I so want a good makeout session like theirs. Is that bad???
Ah well, I have to consider myself lucky just to be owned and tolerated by these two. My life wouldn't be the same without them. Lick away kitties, lick away!
Here I have a man for you.
He`s cute and fascinated by cats.
You`ll find yourself singing this OVER and OVER again and you`ll want to kill the person that sent it to you.
You`ve been forewarned.
Proceed with caution!
Yup it`s me
Right. Who are you, because I DO want to kill you.
The video sucked... and he may be cute, but I think he's about 12. lol
Ahhh.... to be a cat....or a dog...
Life would be so....delicious?
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