Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Freezing My Way To Safety

I have a sweet tooth. Oh thank you genetics from hell. I have a sweet tooth the size of Texas.

I could eat sugary, bready, cakey foods till I'm dead. Honestly. Let's go over my top 5 list:

1. Cherry Chip Cake- not a birthday will ever go by where someone doesn't make me one of these. It's my "signature" cake. (Oh dear, I have a "signature" cake.)
2. Donuts- Not as widely known as my love for Cherry Chip Cake, but inside, I feel a bit like Homer Simpson when it comes to donuts. Drool and all.
3. Sticky Toffee Cake- If you ever end up in "Buttfucknowhere", Osgoode, Ontario at the Red Dot Cafe-- you have to try it (it's actually a date based pound cake kinda deal served with hot buttery creamy caramel sauce poured over top). I am known to order it when we're being seated-- 'cause sometimes they run out later in the evening- you have to be vigilant!!
4. Pancakes and Maple Syrup- Come on... it's breakfast... it's CAKE, it's socially accepted, AND you can pour delicious syrup all over it!
5. Shortbread Cookie BATTER- Forget cooking that crap. Give me a bowl of icing sugar (hell, I'll even take regular granular sugar), butter and flour. I'm in. Who ever came up with cooking it?

I can't imagine a diet without sugar. I've read some of the titles of those diet books (the ones aimed at people who love sugar) and quite frankly, they scare me. "Sugar Busters". Say what? It almost makes we want to start backing away from the title on my monitor, in a bit of a panic. *shudder*

Over the years I've been somewhat good at controlling the beast, or at least I think I'm balancing it somewhat, as I also love fruits and vegetables... especially the sweet ones. Haha. Seriously, it could be a lot worse. I don't weigh 200 lbs... right now (LOL!!!)... and I work my ass off at the gym so I can at least get *some* sugar in each day and so far, Mr./Mrs. Diabetes hasn't come calling for me.

My whole point to this lousy post is that I just about went apeshit on an Angelfood cake and Tub of CoolWhip (fat free of course) while I was just in the kitchen looking for a midnight snack. I bought it yesterday, and had a little bit earlier today, as the CoolWhip was still frozen and too hard to eat vast quantities of while still frozen. So, being the rocket scientist I am , I see it says on the container "Good for 2 weeks refrigerated". Well, how wonderful, I thought. I can just put that in the fridge then when I want a little, it'll be all thawed and ready to go. Yeah, BIG mistake. That, coupled with the lovely Angelfood staring at me on the counter became a "Rip and Dip" festival in the CoolWhip. It wasn't pretty. I felt bad desecrating the cake named after Angels for the love of god!

Anyway, note to self: Do NOT, I repeat, Do NOT ever attempt to take advantage of the "refrigeratability" of CoolWhip ever again. I am too weak.

If that would have been on my counter tomorrow morning staring me in the face, there would have be no hope for those poor angels of cake. May they rest safer in the freezer tonight.

Amen and Goodnight.


3 comments: said...

Loved this!!!!! Laughed my ass off in fact. I am lucky enough to not have a sweet tooth, but am however saddled with a "savory" one which can be equally brutal. I can sit down & polish off a loaf of french bread and an entire family sized wheel of cheese- I don't even care what kind! We shall only be truly safe when food comes in the form of tiny tasteless capsules...... (unless of course we have the ability to cover them in some type of sauce, in which case, we're all screwed.)

mommacoon said...

If you keep this up Donna, none of us are going to have any asses left because we've laughed them all off. What a frickin' sorry sight that would be.

"Look, there go those people who read Donna's Blog, you can always tell it's them because they got no asses."

Frankly sunshine, I have NOOOOO IDEA where on earth you ever got that sweet tooth. And with that, I must go because there is a container of Nordic Berries calling me!!!

Mommacoon (aka..'yer mudder')

Anonymous said...

I have a BAD sweet tooth too.... I feel your pain.. it sucks big time!

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