Sunday, July 13, 2008

Almost over....

Well, tomorrow is the last day of my first bit of vacation this summer. What have I done? Not a whole hell of a lot... Went to Bluesfest, I think, 7 out of the 10 days? Not too bad. Slept.... a lot. Stayed up late.... a lot. Got back into the gym like I should be.
I don't really think that being off without a lot to do has been a good thing for me. Too much time to think? Someone told me it was "good for the soul", but I'm thinking me and my soul are not on speaking terms right now, so that really didn't work for me.
I'm not sure what the deal is, but I feel a little something going on... change? Something wicked this way comes? Something wonderful this way comes? I'm pushing for something positive. I've decided to start getting rid of some thing that I've had for a while, or simply don't need anymore. For one, all of my stained glass stuff, which I haven't touched in, oh, SEVEN years. I know, I'm slightly sad about it, but truthfully, I just keep dragging this stuff around. I think 7 years is a pretty good indication it's not high on my list of priorities. It's time to go. There are also a couple of pieces of furniture I'll be offering up as well. I just have too much stuff. Time to purge.
Perhaps I'll finish off my week tomorrow by cleaning out some other stuff... more purging. I'm actually looking forward to getting back to work... for a while anyway. I miss my patients and only hope they're all doing well still. I hate going back to find that some of them have gone while I was off. That reallllllllllly sucks.
Anyway, that was today.



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