Monday, July 28, 2008

The past few days.

I don' t have a lot to say. Period. This past week/weekend has been pretty much uneventful except for some shooting, banging, adding/subtracting, cutting and of course, working.
For reasons of protecting the innocent, we won't go into what happened to who and or/when.

The sleepy bears have passed out. I had to put this here. It was necessary. :)

I have been reading a lot of other people's blogs lately to see what everyone's writing about. Some of them I find interesting, some make my head hurt trying to get through the giant paragraphs of crap. Therefore, no one's really helping me out with what to write in THIS one. lol I guess I'm on my own here. Perhaps it will hurt my head to read this later as well. Hahaha.

I really like the "ha ha's" and the "lol's". I am a Haha, LOL whore. Great.

Anway, one more week to go, and I'm off for a few days. NO work. Prepare to keep me busy, Ottawa! :)



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