Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Jumping right in...

Ha ha ha ha ha.
So I start to write this, I come up with a few lame lines which took me a bit to think about, then I delete the whole shitty mess in one fell swoop. I love it! This bodes well.

Discovery #1- That's what the save button is for you idiot.

Now, that's better. So what do people do in these? I know crap about politics, so that's out. I am trying to "get into it" but man... sooooo much stuff. Does this make me a bad person? I'm trying.... a little.

I could talk about animals... till I'm blue in the face. I'm supposing that will actually come up a few times should I happen to keep this up. You will learn to love my pitbull... or I will "sick" him on you. lol This picture is clearly him in the "upside down, flip off the couch from a sleeping position" attack pose. God I love ya Squiggy!!

I may talk about Matt Good. I saw him in concert recently and I'm feeling semi-obsessed with him right about now. If you'd like to visit HIS blog... which is really interesting... it's http://http// Check it out. Tell him I love him. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Oh, this is gonna be fun.

Looking forward to emptying my brain here on a regular basis!



Argh said...

HA good for you!
Sometimes theres stuff to put in every day and sometimes you go a month with FA. If people don't wanna know what you think, they can just not go there ya know?
I hope you have fun with it! People have told me their kids regularly ask if there are any new animal pics on the "argh" place. That's a sweet feeling.

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